‘I think everyone has their quota of booze and I just got through my quota earlier than others’ is a favourite

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Oooh that’s so good!! Reminds me of the one about recurrence of use, too. “I did the research for you and you don’t have to go back out.”

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I also like when people say, 'But I don't understand' to reply with, 'That's ok, you don't have to'!

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What’s funny is so many of our families are filled with alcoholism - our sobriety is breaking that generational/family trauma and people DO NOT like to have a mirror turned on their own drinking. To me, me not drinking comes as no surprise as they have seen me struggle, so I think suggesting I’m taking a page from Tim McGraw’s book might lead to more questions 😂

I do love these all, though, and thank you for sharing ❤️‍🩹

Just for fun, my favorite alcoholism joke:

Do alcoholics run in your family?

No, but they do stumble around and break shit.

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This comment is amazing (not to mention I laughed so hard with that last joke). Thanks so much for sharing your experience 🙏🏼 we can be mirrors for eachother, even if that makes others uncomfortable. We are also not responsible for anyone else’s recovery except our own 💕💜

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