So beautiful and oh so relatable. As my youngest of 4 gets ready to graduate college in 2 weeks and my mother's health continues to rapidly decline. The shift throughout it all from being mothered to mothering and now mothering my own mother. The letting go but desperately trying to hold on.

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Feel this so deeply 🙏🏼 there are so many seasons, trying to appreciate every one ❤️

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Aaaaaaand it’s a bit dusty in here. 🥹

This is such a gorgeous walk through the push pull of parenting and being parented.

I loved reading about how you birthed those beautiful angels into this world. And look at them in their cap and gowns! 💗

My first born is gearing up for his senior year of high school. That is being fed to us next and I’m feeling all the feels - over and over when I let myself go there.

I read a quote about parenting once (can’t recall where) that said, “I pull back to stay close”. I keep thinking about how in letting my kids go make their marks THEIR way, in stepping back, I am actually staying close. Because I trust they will sway back home to me each time they need their mom. That is my prayer, anyway. 🙏🏼

Thanks for this beautiful piece, Caroline.

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Sounds like you are getting ready for another parenting transition, too. I love that: pull back to stay close. 🙏🏼

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This post is absolutely beautiful. Too many good lines and phrases to quote, so just read it all.

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