Since moving to
less than a year ago, I’ve connected with so many incredible writers who are in recovery or supportive of a healthy and thriving life.In honor of these folks and many of you who are reading this right now, let’s try something new.
Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash
I’m going to drop a few of my favorite recovery writers and resources and you do the same in the comments below or share your publication.
This is your time to share your work and the writers you follow, listen to, cry with, and cheer on.
Here’s to writing recovery.
has gathered so many of us in the sober nest here on substack and is now writing for an up and coming letter with !I love what she is doing with the #soberstack community.
speaks my sober soul’s language. Check out some of her love letters to the recovery community.I just discovered
and have laughed out loud and pursed my lips and nodded my head in an “yes, I’ve been there” sort of way.Comment below on your favorite recovery writers on this platform or share a link to other recovery writers who you follow or admire.
Thank you so much for the mention, Caroline! And if any sober folks have a newsletter focused on addiction recovery and sobriety that I’ve missed in SoberStack, please let me know. So grateful for the sober and recovery community here on Substack! ❤️
Hello Caroline! I write at Recovery Formation about recovery, faith, neuroscience, and various therapeutic models.
I've loved your writing and am excited to check out your recs.