As a mother and a person in long term recovery, I believe sharing our truth is the best way to reduce stigma. I work for an advocacy organization in KY, I’d love to be a guest!

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Thanks so much for sharing and I’d love to talk! Can you send a message to my personal email? carolinebeidler@gmail.com and I’ll send you the link to schedule 💓

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We as mothers play such a big role in this crazy world of ours. It's sadly no surprise to me that we deal with the most stigmas and the most substance abuse issues. As a single mother of two children, 15 years apart and three plus years in recovery with mental health diseases that I'll have for Life speaking about recovery and living recovery out loud is so important. The stigma of mental health and it making mothers bad people or bad parents needs to stop.

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Thanks so much for sharing. Talking about women’s, and in particular mother’s recovery, is so important. I work with or know so many women who are paralyzed by shame and fear. 🥲 there is hope and let’s keep shining a light!

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