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How can we tell if trauma symptoms are holding us back?
I’ve created a quick quiz to help you determine this and, importantly, what you can do next.
Photo by Daniel Gonzalez on Unsplash
After over a decade+ in addiction, mental health, and trauma recovery and working with and speaking to thousands of people, I can say this:
We do not have to stay stuck in our trauma symptoms or unhealthy patterns. We can be free of not only our trauma but our family’s, too.
I’ve got a confession to make:
One of the reasons I’m so passionate about the topic of trauma, and in particular family or intergenerational trauma, is because I spent too long (way too long) living with the aftermath of my trauma and my mother’s trauma.
Even into a couple years in addiction recovery, I didn’t realize how some of the toxic relationships and unhealthy patterns I was living (boundary issues, disordered eating, people pleasing, and more), were the direct result of unrecognized and untreated trauma symptoms.
I love what Dr. Anita Philips says:
Generation after generation, we often try to heal backwards. Heal forward, start with yourself, then move to your daughters.
Today, we can commit to “healing forwards” and not just for our own journey. We can commit to healing for the generations that come after us. For our children and their children. We can break the cycle. Trauma patterns can end with us.
Join me live on August 29th for a discussion about trauma symptoms and important ways we can break free from those things that keep us stuck.
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Get help with your trauma symptoms. Learn 5 rhythms that promote trauma healing and recovery.
Pre-order my new book now.
I’m so excited to go on this journey of healing and transformation with you.
Learn more here.