Burdened by Life? May Your Weights Become Wings.
Read now here.
(in)courage is like a virtual living room where each weekday, one of our writers takes a turn sharing a story of what Jesus looks like in her life. Our writers span five decades and represent all different backgrounds, ethnicities, and geographic locations. We share what we see Jesus doing in our beautiful, mundane, and often messy lives. . . and we empower you to do the same.
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Ask Caroline Q and A
I’d love to answer your questions about mental health, addiction recovery, trauma recovery, and everything in between. Click here to learn more. Your question may be featured in an upcoming letter or live Q and A.
Would you like full access to the upcoming Mental Health and Recovery Series coming in November? Get 50% off a paid subscription to Circle of Chairs now to get all the perks of paid membership, including audio articles, live Q and As, and more. Offer ends Nov 1st!