I don’t take the fact that you invite me into your email inbox lightly.
It is an honor and a joy to be able to write for you, to share thoughts, hopes, resources, and to promote connection and community.
It’s been in circles of chairs where I’ve found the most healing. My hope for you is that this circle is one that brings connection, sparking what is true, guiding you into seasons of greater healing and recovery.
I’m going to be real with you.
The past couple weeks have been hard. Along with uncertainty in the world and for me personally at work, caring for kids and households, advocating for recovery housing in our small town, and losing a dear friend to overdose, it’s been tough. Did I also mention I’m on deadline for writing my next book?
Photo by Fadi Xd on Unsplash
Sometimes it feels like life is full of what is hard.
I think this is when it is especially important to lean into community, reach out for support, surround ourselves with love, and extend love too.
That’s why this week (right before V day on the 14th), I’m partnering with my dear friend and fellow author Laura L. Smith for a giveaway.
Friend, God’s love is greater than anything we might be facing.
Here’s hoping you win the grand prize, a $400 gift card from Amazon, to treat yourself or your loved ones to something special.
Thank you for being here and for being a part of this community.
Love to you all.
From my friend, Laura L. Smith:
I don’t want to flood your inbox, and also I DON’T WANT YOU TO MISS THIS! Tonight is your last chance to enter our huge God's Love Is Greater Giveaway!
In just a few hours, the $400 Amazon Gift card will go to one lucky winner.
And it could be YOU!
Want to know something fabulous? Everyone (EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO ENTERS) receives 8 free thank you gifts just for participating (filled with encouragement, recipes, and Biblical wisdom)! Just a reminder of how very much you are loved.
So, let’s go!
Enter by CLICKING HERE before we close at midnight tonight EST.
God’s Love is Greater Giveaway
We'll be announcing the winner soon, so watch your inbox!
Praying for you!
Your name
P.S. ONE LUCKY WINNER GETS A $400 AMAZON GIFT CARD AND EVERYONE who enters gets a prize! You'll get eight gifts/resources just for entering (even if you’re not the winner of the grand prize)! Make sure to enter now to guarantee you get these goodies!
Enter here: God’s Love Is Greater